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Ichikawa Isao Hanshi 10th Dan (1935-1996), the founder of Karatedō Dōshinkan, was a charismatic teacher, a visionary, an innovator and a beacon of traditional karatedō.


At the age of six, Ichikawa Isao Hanshi started training in the Shūdōkan Dōjō with Toyama Kanken Sensei in Tokyo. Toyama Sensei taught hundreds of students over the decades, but Ichikawa Isao Hanshi was his uchi deshi, his master student. He was undoubtedly an exceptional talent and the one student in the Shūdōkan Dōjō to whom everything was passed on - including an incredibly large repertoire of kata. After the death of Toyama Sensei, Ichikawa Isao Hanshi left Japan and settled permanently in Austria, where he founded his organization "Karatedō International Dōshinkan" together with his brother, Ichikawa Nobuo, in 1968.


A modest attempt is made to give an insight into the grandmaster's personality - it is an attempt to make the essence of his school, the Karatedō Dōshinkan, tangible.


This book is a tribute, a salute to this great master of karatedō.

Homage - Ichikawa Isao Hanshi

Artikelnummer: 202302
42,00 €Preis
    • Hardcover, format 240mm x 170mm, 226 pages
    • Many personal anecdotes from his direct students
    • Interviews with students from the USA, Mexico, Europe, Japan
    • and many previously unpublished photos

Karatedo Shudokan

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